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 Rules of the Visitors chat

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Senior Director

Posts : 138
Join date : 2013-02-15
Location : Norway

Rules of the Visitors chat Empty
PostSubject: Rules of the Visitors chat   Rules of the Visitors chat EmptySat Mar 02, 2013 3:37 pm

Hello, and welcome to the Strenus Custodes [STRCU] forums.

In here you can comment, ask questions, or just chat about whatever you like together with the corporations members and officers.

We do have a few rules of conduct on this forum, which we wish for our guests to abide by as well.

Visitor Chat rules:

- Keep your tone constructive and fair. No meaningless flaming. Post of a flaming nature, will be deleted.
- No harassment of religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Posts of such nature will be deleted.

These are basic rules of common courtesy, and should not be too hard to follow.

We would like you as a guest to post under the name of one of your EvE characters. Preferably the one you wish to get our response to. This is by all means not a must, but it will make everything a lot more civil and easy to keep track of.

We hope you enjoy your stay on our forums, and if you are seeking to join our ranks, we advice you to read up on our recruitment thread here here

Kind regards,
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